If you want a quote from a landscape architect, contact us.
Meet the Team
President: Bill Funk
Bill is the President and Founder of Springfield Lawn Service. Bill was born and raised in Springfield, Va. and started
Springfield Lawn Service while still attending Lee High School. Outdoor landscaping and all other related services
are his passion and life. With over 30 years experience, when it comes to landscaping and drainage, it is extremely
rare to encounter a request that he cannot fulfill.
Office Manager: Becky Mason
Becky has been with Springfield Lawn Service for over 6 years. She handles virtually all of the office related aspects
of the Company from keeping up with the phones and e-mail (even during off hours) to accounting and payroll.
Becky works hand in hand with Bill, the crew and the customers to make sure all daily operations run smoothly
and that everyone is on the same page.
Tree Expert: Dale Patterson
Dale has been with the Company for over a decade. He is a Certified Arborist and an expert climber with over
35 years experience and does all of our horticultural work. He is also very talented in most areas of our business
as well which makes Dale an extremely valuable asset for both the Company and the customer.
He is the MacGyver of the group meaning virtually anything that comes up that might be considered challenging
can always be thrown at Dale and we can always count on him to come up with a solution.
The Crew
Our crew is headed up by Francisco who has been working and training side by side
with Bill for more than 15 years. He shares Bill’s (Company’s) vision of providing
nothing but the best. He and his crew are the back bone of Springfield Lawn.
Without them we would not be able to complete the multi faceted projects we do
at the level we are able to complete them.
Most of our crew have been with us a minimum of 5 years and have been chosen by
Bill and Francisco as the “cream of the crop”. They strive to offer the best possible
outcome on each and every project. They really take pride in their work and look forward to the next project as well as seeing the final
outcome on completed jobs.
A full service Grounds Maintenance Company specializing in Landscape Design & Drainage Solutions.
Call us now: (703) 690-9939
Springfield Drainage & Landscaping Virginia, Landscaping Services
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